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Boy Scouts Of America Welcoming Girls In Rome, Ga

Hiking, camping, swimming, canoeing, rock climbing, spelunking, Oh My!  The Boy Scouts Of America are welcoming Girls In Rome, Georgia.
Boy Scouts Of America Welcoming Girls In Rome, Ga

Hiking, camping, swimming, canoeing, rock climbing, spelunking, Oh My!  Boy Scouts Of America Welcoming Girls In Rome, Ga

Scout Me In!  

Starting February 1, 2019, the Boy Scouts of America, now Scouts BSA, will be welcoming girls ages 11-17. Younger girls started joining the Cub Scouts in August.  Now older girls will be able to enjoy all the same program benefits that their brothers, fathers, and friends have like; hiking, camping, merit badges, character growth, leadership building, citizenship and much more.  They will also be able to earn the much-coveted Eagle Scout rank. The Cub Scouts program allows girls and boys to participate in the same Pack, dens are separated by gender.  The Scouts BSA program allows for single-gender Troops, although leadership and the Troop’s Charter Organization can be the same.

Boy Scouts Of America Welcoming Girls In Rome, Ga

Scout Troops can be sponsored by churches, civic organizations, schools or even groups of citizens.  Existing Charter Organizations can choose to sponsor a girl Troop, or new Charter Organizations can be found.  One thing is for sure, girls will be welcomed to Scouts BSA soon!  Floyd county has many boy Scouts BSA troops already.  In order to start a girl Scouts BSA Troop there must be at least 5 members.  So, do not wait, let your local organization or Scout Troops know that you are interested in joining or starting a group.  Don’t worry, there is training available! Scout Troop 113 is having an open house to provide information on joining Scouts BSA on 15 January 2019 in the Trinity on 5th building of Trinity United Methodist Church from 7:00-8:00 PM.  We want to Scout You In!  Come by and get all the information you need about what Scouting is, and what Scouting can do for your child.  For information about Troop 113 contact Andrew Conrad at

For more information about partnering with Scouts BSA, becoming a volunteer, or finding a group for your child, please contact the office of the Northwest Georgia Council, BSA at 706-235-5545.

Boy Scouts Of America Welcoming Girls In Rome, Ga