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Mount Berry Square Mall Photo Chase Challenge

Mount Berry Square Mall Photo Chase Challenge! Our Photo Chase Challenge is a fun, and simple activity. Your Mission: Find the murals listed below!
Mount Berry Square mall Photo Chase Challenge

Looking for something different to do? Tired of staying home? Too hot to be outside? The Mount Berry Mall is a great place to go for a photo chase challenge. Sometimes you just need a spacious, temperature-controlled area to wander through for a change of scenery. Our Photo Chase Challenge is a fun, simple activity to get you out of the house with a purpose. Your Mission: Find the murals listed below!

Mount Berry Mall is small for mall standards, but they have done a great job making it welcoming and relevant to Rome. The photo murals on the walls are a tribute to Rome, its residents, and especially its history.

Mission: Mount Berry Photo Chase Challenge

Find the following murals on the wall throughout Mount Berry Mall

  1. A vehicle with large wheels (this is near Victoria’s Secret, so skip it if you want to avoid some less-than-kid-friendly photos)
  2. A riverboat that loaded cotton
  3. A large yellow flower
  4. An old train close to a new train
  5. A cannon
  6. A horse (that jumps)
  7. A clock
  8. An explosion of color
  9. A baseball team
  10. A bridge
  11. An old book-mobile or a vehicle with books
  12. People holding hands
  13. A church
  14. People weaving
  15. Women playing a sport

*Note: If you start from the food court heading right at the pretzel place, follow the walls counter-clockwise and you’ll find the pictures in order (the last photo is in the food court).

My 4 and 7-year-old children had a blast completing their “missions!” Complete the visit with a pretzel or some nuggets, and you’ll have a fun (air-conditioned) outing for a few bucks!

Mount Berry Square mall Photo Chase Challenge
Mount Berry Square Mall Photo Chase Challenge

Mount Berry Square Mall
2770 Martha Berry Hwy, Rome, GA 30165
Mon-Sat 10 am-9 pm
Sun noon-6 pm