Looking for something different to do? Tired of staying home? Too hot to be outside? The Mount Berry Mall is a great place to go for a photo chase challenge. Sometimes you just need a spacious, temperature-controlled area to wander through for a change of scenery. Our Photo Chase Challenge is a fun, simple activity to get you out of the house with a purpose. Your Mission: Find the murals listed below!
Mount Berry Mall is small for mall standards, but they have done a great job making it welcoming and relevant to Rome. The photo murals on the walls are a tribute to Rome, its residents, and especially its history.
Mission: Mount Berry Photo Chase Challenge
Find the following murals on the wall throughout Mount Berry Mall
- A vehicle with large wheels (this is near Victoria’s Secret, so skip it if you want to avoid some less-than-kid-friendly photos)
- A riverboat that loaded cotton
- A large yellow flower
- An old train close to a new train
- A cannon
- A horse (that jumps)
- A clock
- An explosion of color
- A baseball team
- A bridge
- An old book-mobile or a vehicle with books
- People holding hands
- A church
- People weaving
- Women playing a sport
*Note: If you start from the food court heading right at the pretzel place, follow the walls counter-clockwise and you’ll find the pictures in order (the last photo is in the food court).
My 4 and 7-year-old children had a blast completing their “missions!” Complete the visit with a pretzel or some nuggets, and you’ll have a fun (air-conditioned) outing for a few bucks!